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Animation and Video


Paradise Software, Inc.

Uniflix (formerly Videophile) is a video compression/decompression systemthat allows for "software only," full-motion desktop video. With Uniflix,video can be compressed and stored to disk (magnetic, optical, or CD-ROM), and played back at up to 30 frames per second. Playback can occuron any desktop color SPARC-based workstation without the use of addedvideo hardware. Uniflix is also capable of adding four fully synchronized8 KHz sound tracks (including the video's original) to the compressedvideo.Uniflix consists of three parts: Capture, Compression, and Playback. TheCapture utility requires either the Parallax Graphics XVideo board or theSun Microsystems VideoPix board in order to digitize and store a sequenceof single video frames at a frame size of 320 x 240. The Compressionutilities compress and merge the frames with the audio data, at a useradjustable bandwidth, into a single UNIX file.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: SBus-based workstation system, color workstation system or monitor, XVideo-24s or VideoPix PowerVideo or SunVideo
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.3,2.4

Paradise Software, Inc.
7 Centre Dr Suite 9
Jamesburg, NJ 08831
Phone: (609) 655-0016
Fax: (609) 655-0045